VIDEO: Tisulsky Princess — Girl in a Casket — Is at Least 800 Million Years Old and the Body of King Anunnaki for 12,000 Years Completely Intact!

It happened at the beginning of September 1969 in the village of Rzhavchik Tisulskago region of Kemerovo region. During the stripping work at coal mine in the core dvadtsatimetrovogo coal seam lies at a depth of over 70 meters, two meters miner

Mysterious balls, falling out of the sky from where they come from?

On Saturday 27 at 18:30 in the afternoon this fireball was seen in the Peruvian sky fell in the community of Laurancahuani, province of Azángaro in Puno. When approaching the place, the witnesses said that they felt a smell of electrode welding

Video: Planet X / Nemesis / Nibiru was spotted in Antarctica!

Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they

Videos: Madness after a “humanoid-like” object seen in the sky! In Russia and Switzerland.

Youtuber recently captured a strange “type of human body” object floating in the sky in the Swiss city of Switzerland, which caused a lot of controversy after recording a video. The filming location is in the capital ,, Switzerland, where it is

There is 6500 year stone artifact in Sri Lanka which shows clear evidence of Ancient Technology.Sakwala Chakraya’ which means the ‘Wheel of the Universe’. Is it a Stargate?

There is 6500 year stone artifact in Sri Lanka which shows clear evidence of Ancient Technology.Sakwala Chakraya’ which means the ‘Wheel of the Universe’. Is it a Stargate? In fact, it is a complex Electric Circuit Diagram. It is known as ‘Sakwala


Sometimes dragons lived, and mythical creatures? A dragon is a legendary creature, typically scaled or fire-spewing and with serpentine, reptilian or avian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures around world. Dragons are among the most popular and enduring of

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