VIDEO:Mummy of Nazca: Discovering other bodies and traveling to the underground inhabited city
A new video that tells of the mummified bodies of aliens found in a cave on the Nazca Plateau.
When he discovered the entrance to this cave, he immediately realized that it was something like a tomb. Inside the cave he found two sarcophagi. In one, there were various objects that are not yet spoken of, and in the other two mummies of medium growth and many mummies of small humanoids. The largest mummy in the sarcophagus was not lying nearby with some white powder.
Mario did not want to inform his government or official scientist of his findings, because he (perhaps rightly) worried that nobody would know about his discovery and possibly his life could be in danger.
Jaime Maussean said that Mario had forbidden him to shoot and take pictures, and refused to show the cave in which the sensational find was found. Likewise, he refuses to hand over the objects found in the first sarcophagus.
Mario claims he did not reveal the cave’s position and showed only a tenth of what he discovered there. The cave is to be a spacious hall from which tunnels lead into the country, and you have not yet explored them. He worries that if the government finds the right place, the cave will be destroyed.